Saturday, 3 June 2023

The Role of Hearing in Developing Faith: How Faith Comes

The Role of Hearing in Developing Faith: How Faith Comes


Faith is a fundamental aspect of a believer's relationship with God. It is through faith that we please Him and receive His blessings. However, the question arises: How does faith come to us? This article explores the concept of faith and highlights the vital role of hearing the word of God in developing faith, drawing insights from biblical passages.

The Foundation of Faith:

The scriptures provide a clear understanding of the significance of faith. Romans 10:17 states, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." This verse indicates that faith originates from hearing the word of God. It establishes a crucial connection between faith and the message conveyed through God's word.

Responsibility for Faith:

Hebrews 11:6 emphasizes the indispensability of faith, stating, "But without faith, it is impossible to please him." While God requires faith from us, it would be unjust if we were incapable of developing faith. However, God equips us with the means to acquire faith, shifting the responsibility onto our shoulders. Thus, we cannot blame God for our lack of faith, as doing so would stem from ignorance.

Faith for Salvation:

Faith is particularly significant in the context of salvation. Ephesians 2:8 highlights that salvation is attained through faith as a gift from God's grace. Romans chapter 10 further elucidates the process of obtaining faith for salvation. It emphasizes the need to hear the word of God and underscores the role of confessing with the mouth and believing in the heart. Only through hearing the word can faith be fostered, leading to salvation.

The Example of Cornelius:

Acts 10 and 11 present the account of Cornelius, a devout individual who had not yet experienced salvation. Despite his devotion, Cornelius could not be saved until he heard the preaching of the gospel by Peter. Angels, though divine messengers, cannot fulfill the role of preaching the gospel. It is through human messengers that God communicates His word. Instructed by an angel, Cornelius summoned Peter, who preached the gospel to him and his household. The act of hearing the words of the gospel brought about faith and salvation.

Faith for Healing:

The narrative in Acts 14 recounts the healing of an impotent man who had never walked. While many attribute the healing to Paul, the passage clarifies that it was the man's faith that led to his restoration. Prior to his healing, the man heard Paul preach the gospel. His faith to be healed stemmed from what he heard. This demonstrates that faith for healing, like faith for salvation, is developed through hearing the word of God.


Faith is a crucial aspect of our relationship with God. It is not something unattainable or imposed on us without a means of acquiring it. Instead, faith comes through hearing the word of God. Scriptures repeatedly emphasize the role of hearing in developing faith, whether for salvation or healing. We must recognize the importance of actively engaging with the word, listening to the message, and allowing it to inspire faith within us. By doing so, we open ourselves to the transformative power of faith and experience a deeper connection with God.

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