Friday, 25 March 2022

We are a temple in which God lives


25 Scriptures for Breaking Generational Curses

Breaking Generational Curses ND BIBLE FOUNDATION

The first step to your Salvation was accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior. In Philippians 2:12-13 says, we must work out our salvation in order to fulfil God's purpose. This means that Salvation does not end from just accepting Jesus, but it has to be worked-out for you to fulfil your the purpose of God on your life here on earth. Part of working it out is to break any agreements with the idols and demonic altars that you may be connected to through blood relation or any other way. 

Why must you break them?

Exodus 34:7 says that God “[visits] the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation.” This means that the iniquity of one generation follows next generation, it affects the people who had nothing to do with them that is the reason you must break them.

Here are some bible scriptures to use daily that will help you know how to break generational curses to:

Lamentations 5:7

Our fathers sinned, but they are dead. Now we have the troubles that you caused because of them. You punished us because of their sin.

Lamentations 5:7

Galatians 3:13

But Christ rescued us from the Law’s curse, when he became a curse in our place. This is because the Scriptures say that anyone who is nailed to a tree is under a curse.

Galatians 3:13 CEV

Exodus 20:5

Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, because I am the Lord your God and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation.

Exodus 20:5 GNT

Ephesians 6:12


We are not fighting against human enemies. Instead, we are fighting against the rulers and the powerful spirits that have authority over this dark world. We are fighting against the bad spirits who live in the heavens.

Ephesians 6:12 EASY

Numbers 14:18

‘The Lord is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. But he does not excuse the guilty. He lays the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations.’

Numbers 14:18

Ezekiel 18:19-20

 “But you ask, ‘Why shouldn't the son suffer because of his father's sins?’ The answer is that the son did what was right and good. He kept my laws and followed them carefully, and so he will certainly live. It is the one who sins who will die. A son is not to suffer because of his father's sins, nor a father because of the sins of his son. Good people will be rewarded for doing good, and evil people will suffer for the evil they do.

Ezekiel 18:19-20

1 John 1:9

God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we’ve done wrong.

1 John 1:9

Jeremiah 17:5

This is what the Lord says: Cursed is the person who trusts in mankind. He makes human flesh his strength, and his heart turns from the Lord.

Jeremiah 17:5

Matthew 16:19

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you release on earth will be released in heaven.”

Matthew 16:19

James 5:16

Confess and acknowledge how you have offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed, for tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer!

James 5:16

Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:2

Deuteronomy 5:9 EASY

You must not bend down your head to any idol or worship it. I am the Lord your God and I want you to belong to me alone. I will punish children because of the bad things that their fathers have done. I will also punish their grandchildren and their children too. That is how I will punish everyone who hates me.

Deuteronomy 5:9 EASY

Genesis 12:3

I’ll make you a great nation and bless you. I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing. I’ll bless those who bless you; those who curse you I’ll curse. All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you.”

Genesis 12:3

Isaiah 54:17

So no weapon that is used against you will defeat you. You will show that those who speak against you are wrong. These are the good things my servants receive. Their victory comes from me,” says the Lord.

Isaiah 54:17

2 Corinthians 5:17

When anyone is in Christ, it is a whole new world. The old things are gone; suddenly, everything is new!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Proverbs 26:2

Like a sparrow in its traveling, like a swallow in its flying, so bad words said against someone without reason do not come to rest.

Proverbs 26:2

Proverbs 18:21

Your tongue has the power of life and death. Those who love to talk will eat the fruit of their words.

Proverbs 18:21

Exodus 34:7

I faithfully love thousands of people. I forgive their sins when they turn against me. But if people are guilty, I surely punish them. I punish their children, their grandchildren and their grandchildren's children.’

Exodus 34:7

Romans 12:14

Speak blessing, not cursing, over those who reject and persecute you.

Romans 12:14

Deuteronomy 24:16

Parents must never be put to death for the crimes of their children, and children must never be put to death for the crimes of their parents. Each person must be put to death for his own crime.

Deuteronomy 24:16

Psalm 103:17

But the Lord’s love for those who respect him continues forever and ever, and his goodness continues to their grandchildren.

Psalm 103:17

Leviticus 26:40-41

But if they confess their and their ancestors’ guilt for the wrongdoing they did to me, and for their continued opposition to me which made me oppose them, so I took them into enemy territory or if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they make up for their guilt,

Leviticus 26:40-41

Leviticus 26:39-42

Leviticus 26:39-42

Deuteronomy 28:1-68

Deuteronomy 28:1-68

Psalm 103:1-22

Psalm 103:1-22

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